viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012
lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012
Webquest 3
A) About horses:
1. What are the the 5 most common pathologies of horses. Mention them anf give a little descriptiohn too.
Colic: digestive problems that commonly afflict horses.
Laminitis: is an inflammation of certain internal structures of the hoof.
Parasites: internal and external parasites.
Abscess: An abscess is an infectious pocket within a bodily cavity.
Heaves: is a chronic respiratory inflammation frequently caused by an allergic reaction to airborne particles.
2. publish a picture of the horse's skeletal system

3. publish apicture of the horse's internal system (main organs)
B) Choose one of these farm animals: sheep, pig or chicken
1. Choose a good website that refers to your animal. Explain why you like the website.
I choose that web site because it’s very well to explain de sheep’s characteristic and the photos of website are very beautiful. I recommend this website, is very fun and interactive. IN SPANISH!!!
2. Find a good picture showing (with names) the animal's anatomy (external)

1. What are the the 5 most common pathologies of horses. Mention them anf give a little descriptiohn too.
Colic: digestive problems that commonly afflict horses.
Laminitis: is an inflammation of certain internal structures of the hoof.
Parasites: internal and external parasites.
Abscess: An abscess is an infectious pocket within a bodily cavity.
Heaves: is a chronic respiratory inflammation frequently caused by an allergic reaction to airborne particles.
2. publish a picture of the horse's skeletal system

3. publish apicture of the horse's internal system (main organs)

B) Choose one of these farm animals: sheep, pig or chicken
1. Choose a good website that refers to your animal. Explain why you like the website.
I choose that web site because it’s very well to explain de sheep’s characteristic and the photos of website are very beautiful. I recommend this website, is very fun and interactive. IN SPANISH!!!
2. Find a good picture showing (with names) the animal's anatomy (external)

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012
Webquest 2
Go to http://www.
I like this photo because it reminds me once I was in the city of Taltal, in the club of kayak and I saw penguins very cute spend by the sea.
I chose the first video that shows the strength and agility of tiger hunting deers, is a strong video but the video is to show the life of the tiger, and besides that I like many the tigers.
And I chose the second video also why pandas are one of my favorite mammals, and I love him, i go to the zoo only to see pandas, as they are very interesting in their daily lives and very playful. They were my two choices of videos that were based on my personal tastes.
3. Recommend any other section or subsection of the website. (40 words)
Finally, I recommend the section of the website about global warming, because here you can have some basics on this global problem, which can be seen its negative effects on our planet. Thanks for reading this, see later.
>> Publish your work as a post on your blog, under the name, "Webquest 2"
1. Visit the Animals Section > Photos
Choose 2 photos that you like and say why you like them or describing them (30 words each). Post the pictures too.
I chose this photo because it reminds me of the otter, my girlfriend's cat, which is a very large cat that has a very long neck and very soft coat.
2. Visit Video Section > Animals
Choose 2 videos that you like and describe each of them in about 40 words. Post their links.
I chose the first video that shows the strength and agility of tiger hunting deers, is a strong video but the video is to show the life of the tiger, and besides that I like many the tigers.
And I chose the second video also why pandas are one of my favorite mammals, and I love him, i go to the zoo only to see pandas, as they are very interesting in their daily lives and very playful. They were my two choices of videos that were based on my personal tastes.
Finally, I recommend the section of the website about global warming, because here you can have some basics on this global problem, which can be seen its negative effects on our planet. Thanks for reading this, see later.
>> Publish your work as a post on your blog, under the name, "Webquest 2"
Post 6 >> A Picture I like..
Hello again blogger friends, well, today I talk about of a photo that I really like, which was made this year, two weeks ago. The photo was taken by my sister in the city of Rancagua in a day of shopping in the center of the city. The photo shows a sex symbol (I jajajaja) and my niece who is the first baby in the family for about 14 years. I like this photo because I'm the "padrino" of fernanda (my niece) and I always visit Rancagua, and I play with her, I walk through the nearby parks with her. Well, that's my favorite. Until the next blog.
Blog Post 5 >> What's your Opinion?
What's your Opinion?
My opinion about exotic pet ownership is negative because the care they require are much more than those of the common pets and few people carrying them out.
What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
My opinion about Chilean politicians is bad, because most of them don't respect even their working hours.
What is your opinion about recycling?
My opinion on this is popularize recycling at all levels of the population, as it is a very important step to help the environment.
What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
My opinion on the legalization of abortion in certain cases is positive but only some, because if the mother is in danger, abortion is acceptable.
What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?
My opinion on the killing of stray dogs is negative because it is better to take other decisions, neutering pets for example.
martes, 2 de octubre de 2012
Why do I want to be a vet?
Hi again my friends, today I will talk about my college dreams and Why do I want to be a vet?.
Since I was a child, I dreamed of many alternative of career, even some so fascinating as firefighter hahaha. My dream's jobs were fireman, pilot, doctor, scientist, etc..
But I never thought to study Veterinary Medicine or less in the "Universidad de Chile".
When he finished school, I thought that career choice.
I thought of several careers as Air Force officer which was the most likely of all, after, learning that she was not choice, I chose a couple of days before I enrolled in veterinary postulation.
My college experience has been very good but very tired as it requires much study and effort.
The job I would like to dedicate is equine medicine or animal production. :). because horses seem very cute and perfect. Bye bye.
lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012
My BlackBerry
Hi again my friends, today I will talk about...My favorite piece of technology is my smartphone. the BlackBerry 9300, I guess I could not live very well without it in Santiago city. My smartphone is efficient and light to travel with it, the apps ( applications) are useful and free generally. I got it 2 years ago use my smartphone blackberry, and my life is easier. I use my smartphone always and all the time, all the hours of the day, because I use it to the transport in santiago, in metro and bus across the apps and go to home most quickly and safe, and internet is very easy to use in my phone, mobile internet is the best thing in the universe jajajajaja. I don't imagine my life without my BB and I hope not to lose it or get it stolen :(
thank you for read my blog, see later :)
thank you for read my blog, see later :)
lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012
Continuous Assessment 1 (CA 1) > Webquest 1
> Go to Animal Planet Website
> Act 01.- Go to Pets 101 > dog breed selector > select your favorite dog breed by responding the dog breed questionnaire.
what is your favorite dog breed's name? Shetland Sheepdog
Vocabulary Activity: look for the meaning of these words + 5 more others words you don't know from the dog breed questionnaire.
sprinter: velocista
jogger: que hace footing:
breed: raza
to hunt: cazador
laid-back approach: tranquilo y relajado
watchdog: perro guardian
smooth: tranquilo
subtle: subtle
sheepdog: perro pastor
coat: coat
tricks: trucaje
> Act 02.- Go to Pets 101 > dog health >Vet vocabulary
What are the words for these definitions?
- A drug that causes an animal to lose consciousness and not feel pain during a surgical procedure: Anesthesia
- The body's response to an infection. It can result in pain, redness, swelling, heat, or loss of function: Inflammation
- A series of bones in the chest which form a cage and protect the organs inside: Ribs
- A developing baby in the uterus: Fetus
- The more muscular chambers of the heart which pump blood into either the lungs or back into the body: Ventricles
- Organs in the chest which serve to add oxygen to and remove carbon dioxide from the blood: Lungs
- The longest bone of the forelimb; it extends from the shoulder to the elbow: Humerus
> Act 03.- Finally, select 3 TVshows hat you are interested in watchin.
In one or two lines, tell why you likeeach program.
Call of the Wildman: I like the wild life and looks interesting.
Animal Cops: Houston : Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is very important to veterinary student, very interesting.
Frozen Planet: the polar regions is a beauty place in the world and fauna its very resistant to cold.
> Act 01.- Go to Pets 101 > dog breed selector > select your favorite dog breed by responding the dog breed questionnaire.
what is your favorite dog breed's name? Shetland Sheepdog
Vocabulary Activity: look for the meaning of these words + 5 more others words you don't know from the dog breed questionnaire.
sprinter: velocista
jogger: que hace footing:
breed: raza
to hunt: cazador
laid-back approach: tranquilo y relajado
watchdog: perro guardian
smooth: tranquilo
subtle: subtle
sheepdog: perro pastor
coat: coat
tricks: trucaje
> Act 02.- Go to Pets 101 > dog health >Vet vocabulary
What are the words for these definitions?
- A drug that causes an animal to lose consciousness and not feel pain during a surgical procedure: Anesthesia
- The body's response to an infection. It can result in pain, redness, swelling, heat, or loss of function: Inflammation
- A series of bones in the chest which form a cage and protect the organs inside: Ribs
- A developing baby in the uterus: Fetus
- The more muscular chambers of the heart which pump blood into either the lungs or back into the body: Ventricles
- Organs in the chest which serve to add oxygen to and remove carbon dioxide from the blood: Lungs
- The longest bone of the forelimb; it extends from the shoulder to the elbow: Humerus
> Act 03.- Finally, select 3 TVshows hat you are interested in watchin.
In one or two lines, tell why you likeeach program.
Call of the Wildman: I like the wild life and looks interesting.
Animal Cops: Houston : Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is very important to veterinary student, very interesting.
Frozen Planet: the polar regions is a beauty place in the world and fauna its very resistant to cold.
My favorite band
my dear friends :) , well my new blog it's about to my favorite band of
music, your name is Red Hot Chili Peppers, the music style primarily
consists of rock with an emphasis on funk. The band are from United
State and formed in 1983, Los angeles. I love music but don't listen to
much. My favorite song is Otherside(the video) for your lyrics and
musical rithm, Californication is the seventh album and It was released
on June 99' . I know about this topic is across to my secundary'
friends in Copiapo city ( Escuela Tecnico Profesional). I like RHCP
because their music is really enyoyable and energetic.Well I hope that
like this blog and visit my news blog every week. see you later, BYE!!!
Fernando Duarte Godoy :D
Fernando Duarte Godoy :D
lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012
Fernando Duarte?
Fernando Duarte Godoy was born in Rancagua, specifically 17 of march to 1994 , Chile. at elementary school, he studied at Moises Mussa school in Rancagua and, E-105 school in Taltal city. later in the high school studies at Escuela Tecnico Profesional in Copiapo.
Fernando Duarte is student of Veterinary Medicine at Universidad de Chile, specifically Antumapu faculty. he started his studies in 2012 (january).
Duarte Godoy's family is a big group of people, Fernando it's a minor of the three brothers and sisters and his parents, Carlos and Beatriz living in Taltal city with his dog Kasan.
The Fernando's hobbies is the kayak in Taltal, and Volleyball in other cities besides practices model airplane making from two year ago.
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