domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 2

Go to

1. Visit the Animals Section > Photos

Choose 2 photos that you like and say why you like them or describing them (30 words each). Post the   pictures too.

I like this photo because it reminds me once I was in the city of Taltal, in the club of kayak and I saw penguins very cute spend by the sea.

I chose this photo because it reminds me of the otter, my girlfriend's cat, which is a very large cat that has a very long neck and very soft coat.

2. Visit Video Section > Animals

Choose 2 videos that you like and describe each of them in about 40 words. Post their links.

I chose the first video that shows the strength and agility of tiger hunting deers, is a strong video but the video is to show the life of the tiger, and besides that I like many  the tigers.

And I chose the second video also why pandas are one of my favorite mammals, and I love him, i go to the zoo only to see pandas, as they are very interesting in their daily lives and very playful. They were my two choices of videos that were based on my personal tastes.

3. Recommend any other section or subsection of the website. (40 words)

Finally, I recommend the section of the website about global warming, because here you can have some basics on this global problem, which can be seen its negative effects on our planet. Thanks for reading this, see later.
>> Publish your work as a post on your blog, under the name, "Webquest 2"

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